There could be many reasons for the inter-team war, ranging from personal to more general, process-related conditions. An Important aspect of pinpointing the underlying causes of such conflict [...]
Some of the team members may hesitate to openly express concerns and reservations about the proposed team improvements or change initiatives to shore up the sales numbers, but it is important
He looked at Emir Saladin, and gave him an ear bud and asked him to clean his ears and then splashed water in his eyes and said, ?now that your ears are clean of wax and eyes watered, look for [...]
We end up listening to what we hear and not what the speaker is speaking. Preconceived ideas and notions from our experience have the ability to distort or color the reception
At all times even when you have reached a point beyond which you are not prepared to go, you must appear to be reasonable. Keep in mind that you are playing a ritual game, which is firmly